




Car Spaces

10B Mckenzie Court, Royal Park SA 5014

Sold $900,000 on 19 Mar 2024

Map And Street View

Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.

Stamp Duty


*based on property value $900,000 for investment

Mortgage registration fee $148
Transfer fee $6,500
Stamp duty on property $43,330

Monthly Repayment

$ 3,865

*based on loan amount $720,000 for principal and interest

Total interest payable $671,442
Loan Term 30 years
Annual Interest Rate 5.00%

Comparable Sold Properties

Address Sold Price
44A Crown Terrace 3 $710,000
33A Risely Avenue 3 $715,000
18a North Parade 3 $720,000
11A Lowe Street 3 $985,000
65A 3 $750,000
65B Frederick Road 3 $750,000
43 North Parade 3 $620,000

Comparable Rent Properties

Address Rent Price
33a Risely Avenue 3 $630 p/w
84A Palm Avenue 3 $580 p/w
40 Palm Avenue 3 $550 p/w
10 Arnold Street 3 $600 p/w
1A Fisher Street 3 $650 p/w
27 George Street 3 $650 p/w
92 Cedar Avenue 3 $650 p/w
5 Risely Avenue 3 $600 p/w

Auction History - Royal Park, SA 5014

  • Address Price Result*
    11A Lowe St N/A W 3
  • Address Price Result*
    27 George St $757,000 S 3

Top Sales - House- Last 12 months updated 28 Apr 2024

Address Sold Price
9 Marion Terrace Royal Park 5014 $1,020,000 5 1
55 Maple Avenue Royal Park 5014 $1,000,000 4 2
11A Lowe Street Royal Park 5014 $985,000 3 3
10B Mckenzie Court Royal Park 5014 $900,000 3 2
57 George Street Royal Park 5014 $900,000 2 1
8 Alexander Street Royal Park 5014 $823,000 2 2
5 Risely Avenue Royal Park 5014 $790,000 3 1
19A Alexander Street Royal Park 5014 $790,000 3 2
6 Yorke Terrace Royal Park 5014 $788,000 3 2
110 Wattle Avenue Royal Park 5014 $777,777 4 1

Royal Park, SA 5014 (10.02 km to CBD)

Median House Price


Median Unit Price


Surrounding Suburbs

Nearby Train Stations

  • 0.76 km Hendon Railway Station
  • 1.6 km Seaton Park Railway Station
  • 1.6 km Golf Links Railway Station

Nearby Schools