




Car Spaces

770 Golconda Road, Lebrina TAS 7254

Sold $535,000 on 16 Oct 2019

Map And Street View

Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.

Stamp Duty


*based on property value $535,000 for investment

Mortgage registration fee $125
Transfer fee $191
Stamp duty on property $19,735

Monthly Repayment

$ 2,298

*based on loan amount $428,000 for principal and interest

Total interest payable $399,135
Loan Term 30 years
Annual Interest Rate 5.00%

Comparable Sold Properties

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997 Golconda Road 4 $450,000
946 Golconda Road 4 $197,500
770 Golconda Road 4 $380,000

Top Sales - House- Last 12 months updated 28 Apr 2024

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Lebrina, TAS 7254 (189.45 km to CBD)

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