




Car Spaces

8 Verona Terrace, Irymple VIC 3498

Sold $900,000 on 21 Feb 2024

Map And Street View

Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.

Stamp Duty


*based on property value $900,000 for investment

Mortgage registration fee $108
Transfer fee $1,362
Stamp duty on property $49,070

Monthly Repayment

$ 3,865

*based on loan amount $720,000 for principal and interest

Total interest payable $671,442
Loan Term 30 years
Annual Interest Rate 5.00%

Comparable Sold Properties

Address Sold Price
33 Belleview Drive 4 $652,500
38 Milan Drive 4 $650,000
Lot 1 4 $780,000
35 Old Cureton Avenue 4 $895,000
2 Eaton Court 4 $884,000
21 Como Drive 4 $775,000
2 Como Drive 4 $630,000

Comparable Rent Properties

Address Rent Price
6 Chester Court 4 $650 p/w
130 Morpung Ave 4 $600 p/w
33 Verdi Blvd 4 $650 p/w
17 Bologna Avenue 4 $650 p/w
57 Fern Avenue 4 $560 p/w
62 Sandilong Avenue 4 $500 p/w
48 Verdi Boulevard 4 $610 p/w
1/7 Toorak Drive 4 $480 p/w

Auction History - Irymple, VIC 3498

  • Address Price Result*
    8 Verona Tce $850,000 PI 4

Top Sales - House- Last 12 months updated 28 Apr 2024

Address Sold Price
8 Carrington Drive Irymple 3498 $1,222,500 4 2
3187 Eleventh Street Irymple 3498 $1,150,000 4 3
599 Karadoc Avenue Irymple 3498 $1,102,500 4 3
787 Irymple Avenue Irymple 3498 $1,045,000 4 3
8 Verona Terrace Irymple 3498 $900,000 4 3
35 Old Cureton Avenue Irymple 3498 $895,000 4 3
2 Eaton Court Irymple 3498 $884,000 4 2
877 Cureton Avenue Irymple 3498 $875,000 4 2
19 Creaton Lane Irymple 3498 $872,000 4 2
581 Morpung Avenue Irymple 3498 $786,000 3 2

Irymple, VIC 3498 (470.41 km to CBD)

Median House Price


Median Unit Price


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